
Example: Simple Shrimp Setup

Here is a minimum list of materials and steps taken to set up a very simple shrimp tank that will flourish for many years.

Tank or Bin Aquariums or high grade plastic bins
Sand (quartz/silica) Usually sold as play sand, beach sand, pool filter sand
Light (LED) Any modern LEDs: Nicrew, Fluval, Hygger, garage lights, flood lights etc
Food or Dried Leaves Any fish food, non-toxic fallen leaves like Oak, Maple, Indian Almond etc
tanks with sand layer

Step 1

Fill the tank with a thick sand layer and add water, a deep sand bed will provide many benefits to shrimp and plant health.

adding plants, light and more

Step 2

Add plants and light. Set the light time according to plant mass. More plants = more light.

Add small sprinkle of fish food or dried leaves once a week.

Optional: add airstone, heater, wood and botanicals if you have them.

ramshorn snail

Step 3

After 1 month, introduce snails and observe their activity. Healthy snails should be crawling everywhere including substrate and water surface.

Dead snails, not moving, or all climbing to water edge means water is not ready, wait some more

cherry shrimp on Indian Almond Leaf

Step 4

After a week or more of healthy snails, add shrimp!

Total time: 1.5 - 2 months

Airstone Strong air pump or sponge filter
Heater If room is very cold
Wood and Botanicals Non-chemically treated


Toronto, Canada
